So…why not do a XCub flight.
Location of Geese Team 6
Santa Monica-Bob Hope
Expert Server
Sitting at Santa Monica Municipal for a quick sightseeing flight
Flying over the Beaches to the east of KLAX
Lined up on runway 15 to land. Had to go around after a wind shift as I came in on final Runway 8.
And touchdown at KBUR! Little bumpy but landed
@Humanguy summon)
Packing up and dragging the bird back into the hangar.
details of secret vault holding my geese
Love me a good 15 Landing!
You got yourself pretty close to getting a violation while doing that flight as you were about to fly right along the departure path of outbound flights from LAX
Yeah I saw how close and noped out, were you on ATC? I’m sorry abt that, I set heading the wrong way
For future reference on takeoff from runway 21 out of KSMO you make a right turn 270
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I was controlling a frequency at LAX during that time. For future reference, if you want to fly over the airport, it would be best to tune into Tower and ask for a transition
This was a harrowing flight. While turning base to short final, I look up and a 738 is right behind me. And I got a traffic alert, and had to go around, even though the southwest wasn’t even on tower Frequency. He came on Frequency as he almost had a repeat of a tragedy
Was that at KBUR? Cause in your photo when you were on final for 15, it looked like an aircraft was lined up for takeoff.
This was before I took the pic, I’ll show ya the other ine
This was before I had to change from Runway 8 to 15. I also included a photo with locations and ATC log
As you see here, wasn’t on Frequency and just cut me off. Any feedback would be nice
Ahh I see, since tower was online I don’t know why they didn’t sequence you behind the SWA, since your Final approach speed is about 60 KIAS and a -700 is about 125 KIAS.
Also the southwest was Not tuned into KBUR Tower
This is exactly what’s wrong with the expert server.