Calculate FPM On Touch down

Hi! I am playing around with the Connect API in C# and im all sorted now I can connect successfully and set and get states and run commands so that’s all good. Now I want to be able to detect the fpm on touchdown.

Is the best way to simply get the vertical speed every second or so and as well the state wether the aircraft is on the ground or in the air and when I receive it so that the aircraft is on the ground the vs at that request is the fpm for landing?



after investigating some more I found some states in the manifest, one being last landing fpm… But after testing it it said that the landing was 0.01234 something like that which is not true as I absolutely slammed that a321 down. Same with the 708,2,aircraft/0/vertical_speed state, it’s giving me 42.274643 when im doing 8300-8400 vs.

So im a bit confused as to what value im getting but from what im seeing I need to double it and x100 to get the correct value?

42 meters per second gives 8200 feet per minute approximately. I think units are in metrics


Oh Really? ok thanks!

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Yeah I think the SI units are used.

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Thanks guys @Mathurin_Garcier too, got it to work but now my apps just violating my landings lol


Practice makes perfect ;) 😂

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