Winds really broken at Japan sea (FL360). I almost got a violation for overspeed and almost stalled twice. Winds vary very fast from 120kias to 0.
Wdym by “broken” - can you elaborate on what happened? The winds are very powerful in that region at this time of year.
It seems there was just an update to the winds as they broke a few days ago:
This “update” is possibly what you experienced.
It’s probably linked yes. Winds now should be working.
Winds changes between 0-120kt in 30sec and now 0kt
It’s at 0 now, don’t know if it was supposed to be like this but the variation stopped
Winds are completely dead still
yeah they’re fixing it. I’m at FL350 and have 0 knots of wind lol, not complaining tho still 17 hours to go
The wind has just reappeared over the Northeast US.
Yep they’ve just come back.
In a case like this, would violations garnered be appealable? I can’t imagine losing or gaining 60+ knots of airspeed is a fun time.
In theory, yes. We would.
Fortunately, though, not a single user received any violation :) We just checked.
That’s lucky.
Sorry about this everyone, it’s all good now :)
You’re all getting brand new winds from a brand new and improved server :D
Woah, this just happened to me flying from Incheon to Taipei. Was cruising at FL400 and suddenly boom, overspeed warnings as the winds went from 100+ to 0. Luckily was near my device. But I panicked so I left the flight anyway as I didn’t know how long since the overspeed warning went off haha 🤣
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