Hmm looks familiar @Suhas
First model I purchased - except it’s 1:400. Had to commemorate the BA 747s somehow given their retirement!
Hmm looks familiar @Suhas
First model I purchased - except it’s 1:400. Had to commemorate the BA 747s somehow given their retirement!
Nice model!
Look, I give myself an unofficial limit for replies, that being one month, but
you spoke too soon 😭
Bump! We need this one as well, PLEASE NOTICE THIS DEVS!!!
another BUMP! BA BEST
I think retro liveries aren’t allowed
Das sad, dont flag this please
It is really, why would it be flagged?
because retros aren’t allowed when they should be IMO
Yea i know but moderators would just close the thread not flag you
Ten char
Ten char
Bump! I really like this livery
Bump again!