@anon13948067 has announced that a special flight will be occuring today a Air china Boeing 747-8i is scheduled to fly to abu Dhabi today as it is a charter flight this Boeing 747-8i flight is rare and we would like to see some people here for the special charter arrival it is scheduled to leave ZBAA today at 10:00 PM perth australian time and should arrive at Abu Dhabi at 6:00 AM the following day also in perth australian time this is a one in a life time opportunity and PS: (this wasn’t made by Chat GPT) but we hope to see some cool photos on here of the flight at cruise which will be FL430 and arrival video or shots of it arriving at Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Fly Out - #53 by AirbusFan35
I would highly doubt there’s gonna be people watching/recording your “special” flight. That can be done by anyone. If you want a recording of your flight, you could record it yourself!!