Nick Hoffmann: American Trans Air (ATA Airlines)
Boeing 757-33N N561TZ
EIL/PAEI Eielson Air Force Base
May 2005
Photo credit Andreas Mowinckel.
Posted on X.
Nick Hoffmann: American Trans Air (ATA Airlines)
Boeing 757-33N N561TZ
EIL/PAEI Eielson Air Force Base
May 2005
Photo credit Andreas Mowinckel.
Posted on X.
VOTED! I was hoping someone would do this for SOO Long!!!
Bump! They’ve started flying them to jfk with Icelander, I’m so happy :)
Nick Hoffmann: American Trans Air (ATA Airlines)
Boeing 757-33N N553TZ
LGA/KLGA New York LaGuardia Airport
October 7, 2001
Photo credit Chris Sheldon
Jumpseated on her October 22, 2002 IND-RSW-IND & August 25, 2003 MDW-FLL.
Posted on X.
Bumping this!
Let’s get to 100 votes!
The world’s best airline of all time: ATA.
What are we talking in terms of? I ask because “world’s best airlines” seems like a very debatable topic
I’ve flown on countless airlines in my 24 years of life. The majority of which aren’t even around anymore. And American Trans Air without question was and remains my favorite airline. Their service puts Emirates, Qatar Airways, Jet Blue Mint, and all those fancy airlines to shame. Granted this was in the eyes of a child (as I was at the time), but even then their service rivaled that of Northwest, America West, Southwest, American, United and USAir combined.
This picture also looks like it could be a postcard.
Did they serve caviar?
Did they have showers
Lie-flat seats?
Enclosed rooms?
Dine on demand?
I would personally doubt it
You missed one major detail 🙃
But still. If ATA was so go then why aren’t they still around?
No. They were so good they didn’t need any of that extra fancy stuff. :3
Because they fell under poor management after their original CEO left for retirement. The original CEO came back in an attempt to save the airline but it was already too late.
What made them “so good”?
Because I said so. 😝
I hate to be “that person”, but you need to have a stronger argument in this discussion than just that 🙂
Virgin America was the goat
May it rest in peace. And may Hawaiian not have the same fate.