As we talk about sounds for Simulation I have one who does this very good
With some very nice sounding example
As we talk about sounds for Simulation I have one who does this very good
With some very nice sounding example
If it’s added, would it be only the 747-400 and 747-8?
Including cargo ones??
I feel like the -8 should have the B777 sound pack.
It wouldn’t be accurate to add an engine sound proper to a specific aircraft to another that doesn’t fit the same engine
If they creat GenX engine sound, it could fir the 787 and the 787-8 due to their low frequency
I’m aware of that. I was referring to how we already have the sounds for the Rolls-Royce-powered 747s.
You were suggesting using 757 sounds for PW-powered 747s…
Oh my mistake. I was making my comparison based on the PW4000s immediate predecessor, the JT9D, which does sound closer to the RB211 than it does to the default sound and on how the PW4000-powered aircraft I’ve heard, admittedly mostly the PW4000-112s used on United’s 777-200s, makes that characteristic buzzsaw noise on takeoff. The -94s might sound completely different; I don’t know, I don’t get to see many 747-400s these days.
One look and you just know it’s a sweltering summer day at VHHH, one of the few airports where you can still see lots of 747’s. The presence the 747 has remains unmatched and only amplified in a world of twinjets. Awesome.
Same here in EDDF. 747 everywhere you look
You usually see a phew at ORD. Saw a Lufthansa 747 while waiting at the gate
There’s a lot of sharing of various 744’s throughout this thread and I thought I’d share this: the less known 747-400D, especially in this beautiful livery. More often than not, people seem to associate widebodies with long haul flying only, but if you take a good look at Asia, Japan being only one of many examples, you will find that widebody short haul ops is as common as bread. Boeing developed this specific variant to cater to ANA and JAL that use widebodies to carry large amounts of people over short domestic routes, incredibly peculiar to have a giant quad engined widebody fly 1-2h long routes and if we get a 747 rework, I do hope that this variant will make it in game. Sure, one may argue there aren’t a whole lot of livery options for the 747-400D , but if the devs could shove in time to add the A339 as part of the A330 rework, then slicing off winglets and reducing MTOW for an additional variant shouldn’t be too much of a hassle for another incredibly unique 747 variant.
There’s also Cincinnati (Atlas Air), Louisville, and Ontario (UPS).
Oh yeah, wherever there’s freight there’s the 747; it’s just so good at its role particularly with the added flexibility of a nose door, I doubt even the 777F or A350F can replace it completely, which is why you still have three decade old 747’s going strong, truly beautiful. Given that the 747 was designed with freight in mind from the get-go, the added versatility of this design is what’s keeping it ever so present in a world of twinjets (WHAT IS ETOPS RAHHHH). Goes without saying that the 747-400F/ERF are a must should the rework ever happen.
To say nothing of the numerous -400BCFs (Boeing Converted Freighter) and -400BDSG (BeDeck Special Freighter), which are former passenger aircraft with a side cargo door cut into the fuselage.
Pictured is a 747-400BDSF reg. B-16407 decelerating on Runway 28L at San Francisco in May of 2013. Note the 727 firefighting training aircraft in the background, since replaced by a 767-200.
This one’s a really cool one!
100% they do! One of the most magnificent B747 Liveries out there!