Boeing 737-800/-900 ILS


Im not sure if Im the only one whose noticed this over the last couple of days but, the ILS glideslope bug in the 737-800 and 737-900 has been INOP. Everything else seems in working order but, could pose issues if anyone was to hand fly an ILS approach during low visibility/IFR conditions. Has anyone else noticed the same thing and are the tech folks aware of this issue?

Device: Samsung Galaxy S22
Operating system: Android


Hello @asmith10488, I have been having the same issue. For me, specifically the ILS glideslope bug is often lower than it is supposed to be.


It really messes with my smooth glideslope capture lol


I noticed it yesterday and then again this morning. Im about to get into ATL in the -800, let you know if the issue still exists.


Ok, I recorded my approach, and of course now it works just fine so I guess its just a random bug lol


I havent experienced this. Are you sure you set the correct runway? Maybe you accidentaly set the ils to the paralel runway


Could you please take a screenshot when this happens again and share it here?


Will do!!!

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Are you encountering issues where the aircraft is either too high/too low, thus ā€˜chasing the diamondā€™ in a reactive correction attempt?

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Negative because when I enable the GS on the autoland feature it immediately captures it. Iā€™ve only encountered it during VFR and the VASI lights show me on the correct glideslope.

I tried it multiple times and didnā€™t have any abnormalities.

Iā€™m not sure if IFā€™s VASI lights are even operative but Iā€™d assume the visual glide paths are not the same as the ILS glideslope.

A screenshot or a replay would be helpful.

Theyā€™re! I use them constantly, pairing them with the ILS indicator.

IF has PAPI lights as far as I know, not VASI lights. They are similar. Their glide angle should be about the same irl, but if IF even has VASI lights (which I do not believe) there might be a difference between the angles of the 2.

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Youā€™re right, IF has PAPI lights only. Should have checked better the image from Google just to see both VASI and PAPI were in it.

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To check if the glideslope is correct, you can reference the PAPI and see if you are consistently maintaining two red and two white while on the glideslope.

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Here, same thing happened to me flying the CL350

Ohhh, and I had a terrible headwind heading to TIST today so yes, I know my fuel is extremely low šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

edit: actually (contrary to what I wrote further below), I can now reproduce glideslope being green with the glideslope diamond being well below you:

If you had triggered the GS going to green lock from earlier having been on glideslope, but then subsequently lost the GS, it still stays green. It looks like you maybe were not stable entering into the APPR mode being turned on, or from some event during the approach (you are pitched abnormally downwards; I note your speed is 120kts)?

Hi, This is what I donā€™t understand: Your glideslope diamond is way below you (what looks like the purple ā€œvā€):

But GS appears to be locked green:

How can the GS be locked green when it is below you? (I canā€™t reproduce that state).

Hereā€™s the tip.

At a minimum of 3000ft itā€™ll activate The APPR and if you have correct Speed and donā€™t exceed 250 kts and normally you have it until 160 or 150 onwards according to The Plane Itself thatā€™s what will help land it and both of em will appear green

Also It wonā€™t activate Sometimes if it says Aircraft is overweight.