hey everyone!!! I just received my TL2 perks, and now I finally get to showcase my spotting pictures! These photos are from the day I left Tokyo to go back to New York. as this is my first spotting topic, don’t be afraid to give pointers! please bear in mind I was not tracking the destination/registration of many of the aircrafts, sorry! will include next time!
please also just note that these photos were all taken with binoculars and a Google Pixel 6a! I now own a camera and a telephoto lens, so look out for a much improved topic soon!
so, where did I spot?
Terminal 3 Observation Deck.
*I will never find a better airport that is more spotter friendly than Haneda. Haneda in my heart forever.
thank you for viewing my first spotting topic! I hope you enjoyed my photos from basically one year ago (hahaha I’m so funny plz laugh), let me know which one you liked best! I hope you follow my journey as a spotter to see more from me! I will do a spotting at JFK post soon! thank you!