Better Ground Service Animations

These including people on the ground actively moving cargo and people getting on the plane through the jet bride or stair at a remote apron. This would make infinite flight that much better. Best of all, everything stops when you’re ready and simply press the button in “Ground Services” like we always do

VOTE NOW as it would be much appreciated and improve the game

I played a sim called World of Airports where you play as a ATC controller and there’s 7 different airports from KIAH YSSY and others and when you are servicing a plane you can choose how many crew can work on the plane and depending on the size of aircraft it starts with an atr at INN and you can buy other aircraft in game with the money you earn in game and depending on the type of the plane depends on how many crew can service the plane so the atr takes 4 crew to service the plane including a extra ground crew member to complete the service automatically and if you service a a380 it takes 12 crew plus the extra crew member and it dose do all the plane service like luggage fuel food truck and jet bridge maybe this can be introduced into Infinite Flight in a future update

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Let’s get some voters!