Beta Testing

I was wondering does anyone know who the beta testers are and how I become one?

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It’s like an unlisted topic, you’ll never get to know if you have never seen the topic before or heard about it from some other user that has seen that topic ;)

I am not saying the beta team is using an unlisted topic lol.

Hello, only a hand full well trusted members are beta testers and FDS only adds such people to the beta program aswell. You might ask Philipp or Laura, but don’t be sad if they say no.

On the other hand: Beta testers? Never heard of that.


You don’t get to be one, you are asked to be one by one of the staff and your actions will reflect on them.

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Don’t ask Philippe or Laura about Beta. Tyler and Mark are handling that now. I can assure that asking either of them won’t end well.