I just want to say Thank You to @Smax for providing me the best ATC I have had yet on Expert Server! He was controlling at PHKO!
Thank You!
I just want to say Thank You to @Smax for providing me the best ATC I have had yet on Expert Server! He was controlling at PHKO!
Thank You!
Glad to hear you had a great experience!
However, next time just PM him please, no need for a topic :)
Topics like these are always nice to read!
Glad you enjoyed him smax-in’ it at controlling!
PHKO is always an airprot I enjoy, but is quiet except from the service it gets from Japan.
Might not be necessary but we certainly appreciate these topics.
Glad you enjoyed the ATC!
Thanks guys I will PM him!
Seeing positive feedback like this one is not only encouraging for the controller you mentioned, but for every other controller as well. They do a great job with a lot of effort. I’m sure he’ll be very happy about your PM!
Thank you for taking the time for this! 🍀