Best airport to fly in

What do you guys think is the best airport to land/fly in?

Personally, I think Funchal Madeira.
The 90 degree turn on final to align with the runway is an amazing experience, especially if you know the altitudes and waypoints to implement (guess you can say I’m a pro lol) 😎

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By challenging, id say Paro, Nepal. And by good views, i like Barcelona, Venice, and Krakow, because you can see the cities pretty well

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Paro approach is definitely challenging… flew to that airport a couple of times… never once had a good landing 😭


So youre not so pro huh? Im joking haha but i didnt find It so challenging actually.
I only tried to land there three times and It was two successful landings and one missed approach

actually, I think I did have a good landing 😎 I’ll send you a replay if you want (im too pro)

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Haha don’t worry, every landing is good if you can walk away from it, and every landing is great if you can use the plane again :)

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