Be notified when there is 5+ Advanced Controllers Online

Hello everyone!

I have a feature suggestion, I think it would be awesome to be notified (A notification from Infinite Flight) when there is more than 5 (five, for exemple) Advanced Controller Online. So it will be more easy for us to know when it can be interesting to play on the Advanced Server.

Of course, for those of you who don’t won’t to be notified every 1/2 hours, you will be able to turn off Infinite Flight notifications.

Speaking of notifications, we can also imagine to be notified when a Event is in progress.

What do you think?


I’m doing something like this for LiveFlight for iOS :)


Awesome!! :D
Thank a lot Cameron!

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Like there is ever that many controllers online

WE have a life!! 11 Controllers were just online on the advanced server an hour ago. I cant do anything if you didn’t see them.
Don’t just talk as you aren’t 24/7 monitoring how many are online at a given moment!


20 active controllers requries about 500 advanced atc

Theres rarley an advanced atc

The Advanced ATC Community are quite willing to open up if there’s demand - write a post here or on a Facebook IF group and I’m certain somebody will come out and control :)

Have you ever seen more than 20 people active in one region at playground? Never seen it myself. Please, we all have lives, there are more important stuff than controlling sometimes…


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Ive seens 120 people in socal before

So yes i have

On the contrary, we have about 9 controllers currently in the London region, and we only have 90ish people migrated (active) on our new chat system… So… yeah.

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I don’t how I stumbled upon this, but @lollip’s doing an app which does this and many more…