We have a winner!
In a well-fought race between our top 5 community-voted heavy airliners, the A380 has emerged victorious. Using a 2-round voting system to determine the majority, the B767-300ER and A380 came out as the top 2 contenders. We then asked YOU which of these two deserved a place in the development pipeline next and the A380 won with 60% of the vote. In case you missed it, all the context for this vote is in our blog article.
Instagram Live Debrief with Dan and Laura!
Join Dan and Laura for a poll debrief immediately following this announcement for your chance to ask questions and hear some behind-the-scenes chats on what went into the poll. They’ll chat about the A380 and its development in Infinite Flight.
Round 1 Results
Round 2 Results
Will it be free?
The A380 will be a huge undertaking and will therefore require a subscription to Infinite Flight Pro. The current version of the aircraft will be removed as it does not represent the quality we are striving for anymore.
What about the 767?
This poll was an amazing indication of what the current community is looking for in terms of widebody passenger airliners and the 767 made a great run for it. While we are not automatically adding the 767 to the development pipeline, we understand the demand and will use this to inform our decisions in the future.