Welcome to Raleigh Durham!
after the state vs NIU game, me and my dad did a quick spotting trip, and we missed the Lufthansa A330, but that’s all good.
now here we go
#1: C-FRQM coming in from Montreal on 23R
#2 N63NB coming in from…somewhere?
#3 American B38M lining up for departure to….chicago….i think
#4 United E175 on the landing
#5 Delta E175 on the taxi
#6 american a321 lining up for charlotte
#7 United E175 on the way to the highway (runway) via the street (taxiway)
#8 Frontier coming in with some type of animal, who knows what it is. oh…it’s….hugh the manatee?
here comes the terrific two
#9 XA-FAC headin towards the taco land🌮🌮 (mexico city)
#10 Air france A350 coming in from baguette land
heading towards da atlanta
thx for viewing
camera: dads S24 ultra