Bangers @KRDU

Welcome to Raleigh Durham!

after the state vs NIU game, me and my dad did a quick spotting trip, and we missed the Lufthansa A330, but that’s all good.

now here we go

#1: C-FRQM coming in from Montreal on 23R

#2 N63NB coming in from…somewhere?

#3 American B38M lining up for departure to….chicago….i think

#4 United E175 on the landing

#5 Delta E175 on the taxi

#6 american a321 lining up for charlotte

#7 United E175 on the way to the highway (runway) via the street (taxiway)

#8 Frontier coming in with some type of animal, who knows what it is. oh…it’s….hugh the manatee?

here comes the terrific two


#9 XA-FAC headin towards the taco land🌮🌮 (mexico city)

#10 Air france A350 coming in from baguette land


heading towards da atlanta

thx for viewing

camera: dads S24 ultra


sick bro good shots

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nice shots

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These are amazing! 👏

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thank you!

thank you too!


I’m pretty sure it may be Miami, most American MAX 8 routes go to MIA since they are primarily based there.

maybe, a couple 737’s were departing when we were there

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@NonStopsAviation maybe they do every now and then

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Yeah, you’ll occasionally see them operate different routes mainly longer ones like JFK to GEO but they are most commonly flown to and from MIA

yeah but everything aside the plane is pretty

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Oh definitely, I’m just anxiously awaiting a WIP of her

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same bro

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