Departure went well for me! How do you think you did?
Good to here! Looked good to me!
Edit: Until that! My bad!
Good job on the first time I was up in the F22 as Navy 539.
-Good job on all of the commands. They were all given in correct sequence.
-Good job on the transition. You correctly identified the correct altitude to give based on the height of your airfield.
-Make sure you don’t give on guard messages to aircraft until they are within your airspace; that means under 4000, in the case of KMKE, and within the furthest blue ring.
-Only other thing during my pattern, I would recommend that as soon as you give me pattern entry and runway instructions, clear me for the option as soon as possible, don’t wait for the aircraft to give you their position.
Alright, I’m going to choose a different plane and I’ll be back!
Wait… are you also Milwaukee dep?
No but you departed so I handed you over
10/4. Good job!
I did have a mix up though. I accidentally handed over the wrong plane but he’s off server now so who knows
Oh well. That stuff happens!
Gotta love the A380 at Timmerman! I know the airport well
;) soon I will test you!
I have a few mental notes, I will tell you after I land.
I am with approach… so standby.
I hope I can butter this landing!
Same, Spott.
…also, I will give my critique after landing this beast…
Some amazing pictures! Anyways, here are my critiques;
- Great job with the handoffs, went super smooth for me.
- Great job with vectoring in general, ground, takeoff, and final.
An improvement you could make:
- I’d say send the on guard warning only when an aircraft is on final, not short final. When I was on short final, I had to turn the AP back on and quickly switch to your center.
Alright, good stuff first.
-You gave the correct instructions after I was “Handed off” by approach… (I actually just changed frequencies because nobody ever knows how to do approach …) that I was cleared to land instead of giving me entry instructions.
-Good job with the runway exit instructions.
Now the critiques…
-You should have denied me entry. The A380 is WAY too big for this airport… even if it is able to spawn there.
-Also, when you gave the other aircraft the command to exit the runway when I was on final, you did not need to give the expedite command, as I was far enough out.
Otherwise, not bad… And I don’t think my landing was that bad either :)
Other than that slight hiccup, I give you a 10/10. I wish you best of luck in your training!
First of all, thanks for coming out! I thought you were still on departure so was waiting for them to hand you off. I got the clue though and learned from that! Thanks again!
No problem! Oop! Dinner time! We can talk later! Great job!