Autopushback Moves Umprompted

Device: iPad 10th Generation

This is a rather curious situation… I was at KHOT in the C208 the other day, and was preparing for my departure by setting up auto pushback. I didn’t initiate yet, and my parking brake was still set, but I just very slowly started drifting back. The winds were negligible, maybe 3 knots of a headwind, if I recall correctly.



Are you able to reproduce this issue or was it just a one time thing? :)

Hi @schyllberg

I had the same thing not about a week ago in the A318 on the IFATC server doing a Tower TT, except the aircraft drifted forwards at a very similar speed to the above video.

Its only happened once so I didn’t think much of it. Unfortunately I delete all my non-IFATC replays after landing so I can’t provide evidence of it.

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I haven’t tried, but it sounds like @Capt_Derek has had a similar issue.

The issue has been noted internally.
Thanks for the report!