Atis Frequency not shown in ATC Window

Device: Poco X4 Pro 5G
Operating system: Latest HyperOS and Android version

Hello. Few days ago when flying from WSSS I just lost connection (Changing Wi-Fi to Cellular) and due to that I disconnected from Atis Frequency. After reconnected, I open ATC Tab for connecting ATIS frequency I realized there wasn’t any ATIS frequency shown (Only Tower and Ground as shown in screenshot). When I checked frequencies in Map (Airport Information) there was a active frequency.

Were you able to connect to the ATIS frequency when you saw it active on airport information?

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Try restarting the apps when this come through again, as you mentioned this probably bug caused after the network reconnecting

Or the controller who open ATIS just closed, this usually when ATIS is opened by Radar not the Tower or Ground

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Could work. But since we can contact from Airport Information section in map restarting app just take more time.

I checked #controllers for confirm it. There wasn’t any change in progress.

Here you go, i just tried and can’t reproduce, this barely happen and probably a glitch or bug,

are you trying to connect to Unicom or Active frequency first at that time? And try to connect ATIS via ATC Window again?

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