Hey guys,
on my way to becoming an IFATC I thought about the possibility to do kinda “real” ATC via discord. Therefore we may give airport-towers on ES a special mode or NOTAM, that they only allow aircraft’s to inbound tuned into the discord channel (the frequency) of the tower. For example: there’s EGLL open and Tower and Ground Frequency have a dedicated Channel on official IF Discord. Now, every ATC communication runs through the Discord server. We could only allow ingame commands or even do some more we all miss ingame, like “Ryanair 123, did you copy my last message? I’d sayed turn left 200, Not maintain 200kt.” Just an example. I guess everyone got a missing one.
There could be a special command for ingame ATC “Ryanair123, your approaching a Discord Airport. Please tune in or divert.” In emergency e.g. fuel, the plane can be accepted with regular commands from ATC. In discord channel this situation can be announced to all aircraft on the channel.
I guess, you get the point. And I also know, that maybe there are reasons why this is not happening yet. But maybe there can be an event. Once or twice a month. First to try, maybe on training server, and second to see how much fun it may be. 🙂
Greetings from Germany!