ATC Taxi Instructions

Would be good but the nimrods wouldn’t understand what ATC is saying

This is complicated to implement, but really important!
In some airports the layout and lack of commands mean that if someone request taxi, and you see that someone is landing you can’t even say to the guy to taxi because you don’t know where he’s going to go!

That lack of commands makes ground really hard to control, so yes you definitely got my vote.

I also think to push this idea even further, that when a plane is inbound they already have to select what gate they’re going to. That would mean that atc already knows and sees like a dot for the gate and he has to draw a line to show the path.

Well, aviation isn’t for everyone. I believe this would be in fact easier for taxi instructions! Especially for people who want to take flight planning to the next level. Let me clear a vote ;)

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Great Idea although it should probably only be for expert server!

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This is AWESOME, just that NOOBS won’t know this kinsa stuff and it could just mess up ATC/Airports!

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I really like this idea, why doesn’t IF ad IPads to each cockpit, and then you can click on it to see a larger map with a ground map and all the different taxiways? A bit more realistic than a line guiding you.

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For realism this would be a great feature to add on!

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But we need map that haves names of taxi ways

I would love this for all the major airports that get hammered like LAX London etc its only fair

Surely this would take longer, as the controller has to think about where they have to go and draw it all out. If it were to happen maybe a virtual line could be drawn on the taxiway, like in some games for the GPS in vehicles. It could be an option like the landing rectangles

I like it. Hopefully this can be added down the line when we have full airport maps.

This goes along perfectly about what I was saying in the ATC schedule topic

As I read through this discussion, I noticed the following: almost everyone talked about the extreme case. How often are more than 20 planes at KLAX, KATL or KJFK (on expert, where this feature would make sense)? Not really often. And when you have more than 20 planes, simply open another ground frequency. It’ll probably be even more organized than nowadays since ground collisions or taxiway usage in the wrong direction could be avoided. Also there wouldn’t be everyone waiting at KLAX 25R instead of using the three other rwys. This feature would make ground ATC way more interesting and taxiways/taxi to parking would finally make sense. Today you can simply leave after landing because the taxi to parking command makes absolutely no sense. You don’t know where the Gate is, you don’t know how to taxi there and when you use a chart, there are plenty of others using the taxiways you want to use wrongly.

Next point: how should you learn how to do it?
Let me ask you a question: how have you learned how fast you can fly, how you takeoff and most importantly how you communicate witch ATC and other planes?
At least I learned all of it by simply doing it. In my first two weeks on live I got all of my 21 violations I have today because I didn’t know 300kts ias were too fast below 10,000ft. Same thing here, everyone needs some time to get used to it but after a couple of times you know how it works.

By the way, I notice huge similarities to the drag-and-taxi feature which I really like.

In the end every improvement for ground procedures would be a step forward in my opinion, if that’s taxiway lights, aircraft lights illuminating the ground, or any improvements to ground ATC/taxi procedures.

Yeah, but my idea before finding this topic was to implement taxiways into the tiny maps in our HUD, this will remove the problem with the lazy pilots