ATC Schedule • 7-13 October 2019

Region changes will occur around 0600Z as the previous region’s activity comes to an end.


Monday:ATC Choice!
Featured Theme: General Aviation
NOTAM: Auckland (NZAA) Airport will remain closed.

Tuesday: Buenos Aires (SAEZ), San Carlos (SAZS), Ushuaia (SAWH), Comodoro (SAVC), Rio de Janeiro (SBGL), Sao Paulo (SBGR)
Featured Airline: Aerolineas Argentinas

Wednesday: Dubai (OMDB), Baghdad (ORBI), Medina (OEMA), Tbilisi (UGTB), Baku (UBBB), Shiraz (OISS), Amman (OJAI), Kuwait (OKBK)
Featured Airline: flydubai

Thursday: Kuala Lumpur (WMKK), Singapore (WSSS), Penang (WMKP), Phuket (VTSP), Macau (VMMC), Bangkok Suvarnabhumi (VTBS), Chiang Mai (VTCC), Hanoi (VVNB)
Featured Airline: Air Asia
NOTAM: Hong Kong (VHHH) Airport will remain closed.

Friday: To Be Announced

Saturday: Dublin (EIDW), London Stansted (EGSS), Milan (LIME), Brussels South (EBCI), Girona (LEGE), Frankfurt Hahn (EDFH), Alicante (LEAL), Madrid (LEMD), Pisa (LIRP)
Featured Airline: Ryanair

Sunday: Sydney (YSSY), Auckland not mapped (NZAA), Brisbane (YBBN), Melbourne (YMML), Perth (YPPH), Gold Coast (YBCG), Adelaide (YPAD)
Featured Airline: Virgin Australia

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