Monday: Nadi (NFFN), Tahiti (NTAA), Bora Bora (NTTB), Noumea (NWWM), Wellington (NZWN), Christchurch (NZCH)
Featured Theme: Island Hopping
Tuesday: Manila (RPLL), Davao City (RPMD), Cebu (RPVM), Kuala Lumpur (WMKK), Macau (VMMC), Hanoi (VVNB), Kota (WBKK)
Featured Airline: Cebu Pacific
Wednesday: Seattle (KSEA), Portland (KPDX), San Jose (KSJC), Los Angeles (KLAX), San Diego (KSAN), Orange County (KSNA), Spokane (KGEG)
Featured Airline: Alaska Airlines
Thursday: Abu Dhabi (OMAA), Bengaluru (VOBL), Jeddah (OEJN), Karachi (OPKC), Ahmedabad (VAAH), Lahore (OPLA), Delhi (VIDP), Muscat (OOMS)
Featured Airline: Etihad Airways
NOTAM: Dubai (OMDB) will remain closed
Friday: To Be Announced
Saturday - Community Event:
HUB: Detroit (KDTW)
Feeder Airports: Las Vegas (KLAS), Saskatoon (CYXE), Raleigh (KRDU)
Event: IFVARB Mystery Summit at KDTW
Once again our VAs collide in an all-out event hosted by the IFVARB! Special event procedures and routes must be followed to ensure a smooth and expeditious flow of traffic. Gate reservations via the event sign-up form are not mandatory, though encouraged.
A TFR will be active to alert all aircraft of the event in progress. All procedures will be published and available prior to the event start time on the event topic.
Sunday: Toronto (CYYZ), Montreal (CYUL), New York (KJFK), London Heathrow (EGLL), Paris (LFPG), Munich (EDDM), Madrid (LEMD)
Featured Theme: Transatlantic A350s
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