ATC Replays not working

I recently found out that the ATC replays don’t work on my phone, while the Free Flight replays do work. When I open up an ATC replay, the map + UI pops up (so I can see the aircraft on the map) but if I change the camera view, no matter what I choose, nothing shows up on the screen - it just looks like a black sky with stars.

The app version is 24.4.5, if that’s any help
Device: Google Pixel 6A
Operating system: Android

There’s no actual viewable replay mode for ATC, it’s meant to be like that.

I’ve been able to view replays before though (at least, I think). Did that change as of recently?

It’s always been like that, as far as my knowledge goes, anyways the point of ATC replays is on your controlling, not the flights.

Hmmm okay. I think that it would still be useful to see the physical aircraft too (in case of violations, etc.), and it seems kind of counterintuitive to not have it that way

In my view, the map is sufficient for that purpose.

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Sure, but still being able to actually see the aircraft would be helpful