ATC procedures

@PaulJ maybe share your replay here and we can get a better understanding of what happened when we view it.

Option #1: Share My Infinite Flight (Recommended)
  1. Go to
  2. Upload your replay from your device.
  3. Copy and Paste the link it gives you into a reply to this message.

For more information please visit the Share My Infinite Flight (.com) tutorial.

Option #2: Google Drive

Share your replay through Google Drive or another file sharing service. Please make sure that the link you send is public. If the file is private we will be unable to access the replay for review.

Option #3: WeTransfer

Share your replay through WeTransfer. WeTransfer is a free and harmless file sharing service. It requires no account signups or personal information from you. The only thing that you’ll ultimately submit is your replay.

  1. Before you add a file, you must first have saved your replay locally to the device you’re on. So if you’re on iOS for example, share it from within Infinite Flight and click on “Save to Files”.
  2. Go to and click on “Send a file?”
  3. Tap or click on “Add your files”. From here you will go and retrieve the file that you saved in step 1 and upload it now.
  4. Once the replay has been uploaded, simply tap on “Next” and ensure that “Get a link” has been selected.
  5. Tap or click on “Transfer”. Tap on “Copy link” and paste that link here in this message as a reply.