ATC Practice for Exam

Hey all! I am currently going through the process of joining @IFATC. I would like to get in some practice reps and sets before taking my practical exam. As such, I would like to announce a control schedule for myself and hope that some of the community would like to help me out by flying while I’m controlling. I hope to see you there, and thank you for your help in the meantime.

Schedule for my controlling practice on the Training Server is as follows…

24 October - KDEN: 2000Z - 2200Z, Ground and Tower
26 October - KMEM: 1900Z - 2000Z, App & Dep
27 October - Ft. Worth ARTCC: 1500Z - 1600Z, Center

I will use this thread to post any future controlling times that I come up with. Thanks again!

Very Respectfully,

Dillan / N1DE


What RWY do you want for departure at Denver? :)

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Departing 34L and 35R currently :)
Landing 34R and 35L :)

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If you want, doing some pattern work would help me out a lot also. Thanks!

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I dont really care, what do you want more? Pattern or regular departure?

You decide, anything you want to do will help me out in any case. I’m not too picky. Im just grateful for the help in general.

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alrighty , I guess southwest needs some touch and go training haha

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damn its windy here

lol yeah it is, i actually live right next to KDEN too haha, i hear the wind outside.

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mb theres departure now aswell xd. They confused me

ooooops my bad

my plen is really fighting those winds haha

last lap for me :)

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Me too. Got me buzzed XD

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Hi! It’s nice to have you interested in becoming an IFATC member! However, I recommend modifying your thread according to this guide

Also, the thing is you will be tested on ground and tower frequencies on your first entry to IFATC, so I greatly suggest to sharpen your skills on those two!
Anyway, happy training! Can’t wait to see you controlling on Expert Server someday!