Hi guys, I was controlling at KNUC (approach) and people don’t listen to a thing I send and it is very fustraiting, when I sent a command they wouldn’t listen and when send “please follow instructions” they’d change frequency which is also very fustraiting. People would have flight plans to KNUC and when they request vector for the GPS they would not follow my vector commands which again is fustraiting. Is they away to avoid this ? When I report them is something on the lines of “controller rating to low” and they still be on the screen not listening.
I brought live for 3.99$ (if I correctly remember) last week and I haven’t had time to play infinite flight, but I’ll try to make some time for infinite flight
Unfortunately that’s the playground server for you, normally if they have a flight plan and they request a gps approach or an Ils approach just tell them to resume own navigation. :) hope this helps
Thank you so much, i will try and qualify for the advance server, may I ask, what are the stats needed to join the advance server and what’s the quickest way to join it ?
I was just going to add that, I do a lot of of my practice in the Carrabian and had a good hour of mature pilots this evening. Of about 25 landings and 35 takeoffs I maybe had 2 people not listen.