ATC on training server


Firstly, sorry to hear that you are experiencing this unfortunate circumstances with users not following your ATC instructions. Whilst it is the Training Server, it’s important to remember that some users may be new to the flight simulator and whilst it appears like they trolling, they may in-fact actually be unsure of what is required of them with certain instructions.

If you are looking to join IFATC (which I would personally highly recommend) then I recommend taking a read of this topic below:

If you are looking to practice on the Training Server which the goal to join the IFATC team in the future, then I would strongly recommend creating an ATC Tracking Thread using the guide below:

An ATC Tracking Thread is a fantastic way to announce when you are open on the Training Server and will help you gain some traffic to practice with at less popular airports around the globe rather than the usually busy KLAX, EGLL, KSFO etc. that have a tendency to attract some less knowledgeable pilots on the Training Server. Therefore, we do recommend avoiding these large “hub” like airports whilst trying to gain more experience as ATC.

In regards to the report feature, users where previously able to report others but because of abuse of this system, reporting is only limited to IFATC users whilst controlling and Supervisors, Moderators and Staff whilst flying.

Have a good day!

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