ATC Learning Episode #3: How to Check In correctly with Departure Frequency

Hello fellow aviators. This is part three of our learning Episode. For the moment the last one. But maybe some more will follow.

Today we’ll learn how to correctly check in with departure frequency right after being handed-of from Tower. Remember: other pilots now have time to listen what other pilots do while climbing to cruise. So act like a Pro ;) and don’t reveal that you’ve no clue how to communicate.

Being a radar controller myself I can say that approximately half of all departures are joining my frequency and asking for: „request Flight Following (FF) to ‚destination‘.“

You already guess: that’s not the way to do.

Typically Departure will now answer with: „FF not required after Check In.“

Not being satisfied with pilots today. Poor Harold 🙇

So, why is Flight Following not the right choice?

The manual clearly says: Flight Following is a VFR (visual flight rules) service that can be requested by a pilot with or without a Flight Plan, therefore Controllers can expect pilots to “see and avoid”.

If you’ve filed a Flightplan (fpl) you are able to request FF, however a simple:

„Check-in“ will do the job and establishes two-way communication with the radar controller.

Everyone wants a thumb up from Harold, right 😉?!

That’s it. Nothing more to request. You’re now under control by ATC and simply have to follow their instructions. If no commands are further issued, follow your flightplan. No further requests (speed, climb, so on) are required then.

That’s the last episode for now. I hope you did enjoy the series?!

And maybe you learned something new today.

Stay safe and sound.

See you around.

In case you missed episode #1 and #2 you can read it here:

Again: Thanks all!

Big thank you to Tyler for cross checking as well as my fellow Langen Radar crew


THANK YOU!!! The flight following requests are so annoying especially when there’s like 10 in a row on the training server.

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You’re welcome. Almost the same amount of requests on the ES. It’s a fact ;)

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Awesome series! You should definitely do more, maybe about expediting departures.

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I’ve known this, but constantly ignore it…

or stuff like holding😉

TS is maybe a thing for you? 🤷


Made my day 😭😭
But for real, when I do ATC on the TS if I’m bored, it feels as if I now have muscle memory of the Flight following not required after check-in button.

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Yeah, I feel it. ;)

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I gotta see a topic about how you shouldn’t request a frequency change when contacting tower after taxi.


Also a good one 😄

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A possible idea would be about those who remain on the frequency of the airport they departed from throughout their flight and request approaches and stuff, despite being outside their airspace.

For example, those who departed form KLAX who request clearances for KSFO on the KLAX frequency, despite being given the Frequency change approved, good day!

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I hope that this will help! Would make the work easier!

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Again, this Post is so important to all new Pilots!

I had an ATC Session yesterday and from 40 departing Pilot’s 39 did it wrong. It‘‚ is frustrating!

@ItzSkyzerYT @Shaun_Anderson @PilotCamikazze @Kai.Kri @Ruben023 @Albaidan_Ahmed @Gert @Raul_Portillo @CypTic @inPublic

Thanks everybody, would be great if you share this lesson with your Friends and Followers

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Thank you. Today I learned new information in the field of aviation

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