Just been to Aspen on the advanced server and there’s a controller landing aircraft on the closed end of the runway and then departing aircraft on the open end if the runway. This is stupid!!!
It doesn’t work. Just causes aircraft to crash
It’s all good. Tailwind on rwy 15 final was <= 5knts.
I know it’s true but then we/ATC need to make sure aircraft don’t hit each other. Tell me, is aircraft crashing into each other a real world procedure??
Hey Ben!
I was not controlling, but this is a standard procedure over at Aspen. It’s allowed by the FAA. The planes, however must be 7 miles apart, if this was not the case THEN we have a problem, not otherwise however.
That’s not what I mean. Aircraft waiting to depart or taxiing to the runway crash when arriving aircraft exit the runway and taxi to the terminal. There is only one taxiway
KASE is joke right now. I’m fine with real world procedure but this isn’t working.
But the ATC doesn’t do anything like that. I fly on the advanced everyday and I like to fly in different areas but KASE doesn’t work
I’ll stay on advanced. I like it there. Just not all the time.
Ben, planes in real life takeoff at KASE from runway 33 and arrive on runway 15, they won’t crash into each other if you know how to fly. Also the runway is not “closed”, the wind simply favors runway 33, its only a 5 knot tailwind. ATC will tell planes to give way when exiting, and if you are trying to be realistic, don’t fly an a319 to KASE, the largest plane that fly’s there is a small jet (similar to the Citation X).
Max Sez. Must we see this “Closed Runway” complaint repeated infinitely! Remove the Color Coding. The Color Codes served there purpose pre-live, there just bait now and used to rouse the great unwashed!
It’s the coordinated effort between tower and approach that seems to lacking in this instance.
@Rotate. PM Inbound!