There seems to be issues with switching between ground to tower, I have a screenshot attached below. Im held short and on the tower frequency and hearing commands like “Taxi to Runway 15L, George Bush Tower”, I have also asked for takeoff clearance and I get a command to contact Tower when already on the frequency, I had to quit the session at risk of being giving a violation for being ‘afk’ when I’m not. Strange one, also not an internet connection issue on my side too
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Try leaving all frequencies and reconnecting to the Tower Frequency. If a violation is detected, you can appeal to the @appeals if you provide evidence that you are unable to change the Frequency. If the evidence is found to be valid, they will remove your violation.
I tried that, tuning out all of frequencies and rejoin tower, it didn’t do anything ground messages coming from tower, was a mess so i just closed app haha
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Here is another solution haha
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