Atc frequency

Hi. I heard a clearance/delivery frequency exists in IF but I wondered why it’s not currently used in the game ?


If i’m not wrong its because there isnt enough ifatc players (manpower)

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u might be right there is a proboly not enough IFATC people

But a IFATC player who is in charge of ground frequency for example. He can take an another frequency like delivery, can’t he ?

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Ground is often also tower and atis. When they are just ground, there’s a reason (i.e. it’s incredibly busy).

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@Jay237 Hope the replies given answers your question! :)

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Yeah but is that means this frequency is/will be never used ?

It might be used in the future when there is sufficient manpower

It might be used as more members join ifatc. There are several features that could be used in game but have not been added yet.

Here’s where you can vote for the feature: Clearance Delivery Frequency :)

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