Flying today in the Fort Worth Center airspace to DFW. Flight plan includes ATC preferred STAR yet the controller kept asking me to amend my flight plan to include preferred star. I tried from the north then and the same thing. How do you communicate with them that they are not correct?
Hello! The answer can vary. What server was this on?
Expert server
Were you using one of the published STAR’s in the ATIS? It’s possible the approach/center may not be DFW experts and listed ones preferred to them compared to exact real world procedures.
The center/approach would be asking for you to switch to one of those listed in the ATIS (if that is not what you were doing)
Yes it was in the ATIS and marked preferred route when I was choosing the STAR. The controller told several aircraft to choose a preferred route so I wasn’t the only one. Disconnect between what the controller thought were the preferred routes and what was published?
There was a misunderstanding between the center controller and the Tower Controller (who published the ATIS) about which STARs were the preferred ones. It has already been solved
Thank you for the update