I’ll like a gate! I’m ASVA083 by the way
All sorted! @Kaj have moved you to Gate 542 and the ASVA guys are with each other too! Enjoy the event! -MB
I’ll take a gate! BAVA363
Gate assigned! -MB
BAVA214 put me on reserve might just be able to make it
Have assigned you a gate, no worries if you can’t make it! -MB
If you were looking carefully at our thread, you’d notice that a lot of ASVA pilots are interested in attending this event.
This is because with our partnership with ASVA, each Saturday we share a BAVA route with ASVA, and vice versa. This week, they decided they’d join us in celebrating the B747, and have EGLL - KJFK as their featured route!
You can find ASVA’s official Infinite Flight Community Thread here.
If you’re interested in joining us on what is promising to be another amazing event, you can sign up below!
British Airways Virtual Airline 2019
I can join! BAVA342. FL380 is rather high even without passengers or cargo, maybe some steps…
May I recommend switching to T8 because BA just announced their change.
“British Airways has announced it will move from Terminal 7 to Terminal 8 at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport in 2022.”
I think that’s a bit premature, don’t you?
Yeah. Why not get used to it lol!
@Ilkka_L I have assigned you a gate:) In terms of step climbing, yes it would be ideal and realistic, however it is too hard to coordinate with a large group of pilots, especially if some don’t have access to IFA and/or leave their device and don’t have access to it during the flight. This is why we just have a set cruise altitude. By all means feel free to step climb up to FL380 if you would like though! -MB
I’ll take a gate BAVA-120
BAVA 127 I will take one !
FL380 is perfectly normal
You have to remember we’re going over an ocean aswell as we will have a headwind for a bit
It will be N1 105%, with 60% load, compared to normal N1 90%. At least in IF.
At higher altitudes the engines require less power because the air is less dense
@James_Harvey @PrzemekGancarz sorry for the slow reply but have assigned you both a gate! Enjoy the flight! -MB
We’ll see if I can make it, it is at 7:30 in the morning for me… if I can’t, I’ll try to intercept you guys when all of you get to KJFK