April 8th Total Solar eclipse

If someone was to create a flight plan equal to the calculated path of our moon on the 8th in real time. Would it, if you were to exit the cruising aircraft with on of the many camera angles available would we be able to see the moon pass in front of the sun and would the terrain go dark as it will on that day?

I know that I am going to try to see what happens

Solar eclipses don’t technically exist within IF -

The sun and moon should appear in the correct place, but the shadows won’t exist meaning that the sky will likely look the same as before

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I took this flight yesterday, changed my leg, and flew above Dallas and Montreal. I was too far from totality, but I did a concept of it. Unfortunately my eclipse render looks more like a black hole than an actual eclipse :D

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I would be curious to know if the moon’s approximately 5 degree inclination with the ecliptic is indeed modelled. My assumption was that it would not be, because I assumed no one would notice whether the moon’s orbit is off by that relatively small angle. So why bother putting it in the sim. I don’t know if I’m wrong or not. But you would need the exact inclination and its precise orientation to get eclipse timing right (at a minimum).

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Not too far off!

Source National Geographic

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To keep track of an eclipse in a sim:

But expanding out the complexity more realistically (which is why no recreational FS likely simulates eclipses):

"imagine the geometry of celestial bodies at the moment of a solar eclipse, when the moon lies directly between the sun and Earth and all three bodies form a neat line. For this to happen, the moon must be a new moon. It must also be at a point where its own tilted orbit around the Earth is plunging through the plane in which the Earth marches through its own orbit around the sun.

Now imagine advancing the clock forward to find a time when these same conditions recur. We have to reconcile several overlapping but unequal lunar cycles. Cycle one: It takes about 29.5306 days to go from one new moon to the next. Cycle two: It takes the moon about 27.2122 days to go from one pass through the plane of Earth’s orbit to the same pass on the next go-round. Cycle three: Because the moon’s elliptical orbit draws it nearer and farther away from Earth, the moon also oscillates its apparent size and speed in the skies over Earth, a cycle that takes about 27.5546 days…"
How the Ancient Art of Eclipse Prediction Became an Exact Science | Quanta Magazine


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