Hello! I have recently been making landings using approach mode and have noticed that it has been floating down the runway. Yesterday it flew above the glide slope path and touched down before taking off again and then touching down one last time. Another time today it touched down but then lifted the nose a little and took off briefly before touching down again. In my last flight I was going a little fast which may have affected the outcome but essentially it started flying above the red boxes and even stopped descending entirely on approach to KCHS. I took manual control and landed the aircraft but I feel like approach mode should actually… approach correctly?
APPR isn’t great at landing. Whenever I use it because of visibility, I typically let it fly down until I’m basically over the runway (or have runway in sight) and then I’ll take over manual controls for the touchdown. I don’t think this is a technical issue, more so APPR’s imperfections.
Sounds like OP isn’t idling before touching down, which would lead to ground effect floating.
So I agree with Mort.
With the APPR you can’t land 100% unless you do it like Mort described.
Carrying out the APPR until landing would be 100% boring, because you never really learn how to land and stuff like that.
Hi, some visual representation like a video or screenshot would help determine the cause of what you describe.
It could be from a mix of possible intercept and touchdown technique issues: speed, power setting, and how you intercept the localizer and glideslope.
I find Appr works pretty well with the right attention to setup, and careful speed control.
Wait you’re right I am supposed to be doing that lol… I got too used to AP handling my engines for me 😅
But yes I’m intercepting the glide slope and localizer just fine and at a low speed, it’s probably that I’m not idling on landing like he suggested
I am learning how to land on solo using short finals; once I get that down packed without crashing I’ll try a bit more in the casual server but for now APPR takes over for landings :)
You should do the full approach on solo starting from here
You can set the weather to your liking too
Heavy APPR user here- it really depends on the plane too, every single one is going to land differently and every airport can be a little bit different.
Planes that I find land best with APPR: 737 family, A350, A320/21 family, 777 family, 787 family
Planes that I find can have APPR difficulty: A330 family, E175/195 family, CRJ family, 757
Just from personal experience.
APPR works from that position @Daeng-E
And you Can practice manual approach from there too
I tried this, but it requires extra effort to first set the speed (to avoid stall), then turn on the autopilot (A/P), and finally enable the approach mode (APPR). However, this sequence resulted in uncontrolled descent rates and heading issues. While I appreciate the suggestion.
APPR does exactly what it is labeled to do—approach the runway. You still have to land the plane yourself. (This was not meant to come across as rude if it seems so)
Not really-I use it to land and it regularly pulls off landings that are comparable to hand flown ones, however knowing each aircraft’s landing profile is a bit difficult.
I’m guessing most people prefer to hand fly their landings as it is enjoyable for them to land their flight themselves.
We’re talking about using the APPR for landing, but personally, I rarely rely on APPR mode for approach. I’m more accustomed to hand-flying every single time, except in low visibility conditions. I understand what APPR is designed to do, but I prefer a more manual approach when possible. No offense taken at all, just sharing my personal experience!