Hello, does anyone know why my plane when I activate the APPR mode (≈3500ft, ≈190kn, ≈-1000ftm, perfect-lined glidescope), my plane starts climbing until reach +500 or +400 ftm and then starts descending again? Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

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Hey there!

In Infinite Flight, you ideally need to be in level flight (i.e. 0 vertical speed) and below the glide-slope when you engage APPR. If you are descending and/or engage it when perfectly on the glide-slope, from my experience it can then cause the behaviour you describe.

The autopilot (incl. APPR) in Infinite Flight definitely does need a revamp though - there are several feature requests including this one:


Oh thank you so much, the appr mode doesn’t work on that way in real life, right?

In real life its a lot more smooth and integrated into the normal A/P system.

Hi, APPR mode actually does work quite well. There are some limitations like the recommendation not to descend to the glideslope as might be an option irl, due to additional challenges it causes for the IF user.

But if you follow the tutorial recommendations of level intercept below the glideslope as mentioned by @BennyBoy_Alpha, APPR usually works extremely well in the current version. For example, it tracks the localizer and glideslope with the right crab angle in a crosswind, so all you have to do is ease the nose straight with rudder at the time of flaring, with a smooth touchdown all but guaranteed.

Note if the glideslope is above you (as recommended), but you are descending:

The nose will pretty consistently pitch up quite abruptly. Just zero the VS before hitting APPR typically fixes this.

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