APPR is bugging me

Hi guys

I am having a problem with the APPR mode in IF.
Anytime I activate it when I’m on final, it pitches up extremely fast and sways side to side harshly before finally calming down and lining up with the runway…

Yes, I did follow everything in the tutorial, I read the thread about it, and somehow it still keeps doing it

I activate it around 180 knots, I’m in a proper intercept with the localizer, I’m also leveled around 3000 feet just like the tutorial, yet when I press the appr button it does harsh movements.

someone help 😭

You may want to activate APPR mode prior to final and on ILS intercept so it can have more time to adjust as compared to a sudden change :)

When you are going to land with ILS the trick is to intercept it. I am going to give you a trick through a photo modified by me, I hope you understand this trick helped me a lot. Look, when the nose of the plane touches the line that I marked with the arrow, you have to activate the APPR. Not only that, you have to lower the altitude from 3000 to 0, nothing else. It doesn’t make you touch more. Basically, when the plane with its nose touches the line that I marked, it has to be at 3000 ALT.

The altitude for intercepting the ILS also depends on airport elevation. You wouldn’t intercept the ILS at 3000 at Denver airport.


You’d likely intercept something else at 3000 ft at KDEN 😂


what does this mean?

  1. Touch the APPR with 3000 ALT
  2. Touch the altitude from 3000 to 0 ALT
  3. You wait the plane is nearly touch the runway
  4. When is touch the runway you turn off the APPR

This vídeo may help you:

Have a 30 degree intercept angle and arm APPR before being in range to capture the localizer. This will give you a smooth turn to final.

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I turn off appr on the 1000 ft callout like what pilots usually do irl :)

What you have said is a solution, many people do it, it is also a good way

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