API Service Not working

API Service Not Working

Hello, I am currently doing a flight and am trying to track it on InfiniteView. It is not accessing the information of my flight such as flight plans, Departure Time/Arrival time, It does however have User Info. However on IF it says the API service is fine. Is it okay if I can get some help?

Device: iPhone XS
Operating system: IOS 18.2

The API in the “status” popup in the top right has nothing to do with that. Not sure where people are getting that from.

Last report I see on your flight was 8 minutes ago. But there’s no active flights on your account from what I see either.

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Oh, I am currently doing a flight from LHR-MIA in the Training Server. Thank you for your help!

I see you here, via InfiniteX

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Yeah thats me! It is the flight plan that isn’t loading. Usually it would say EGLL - KMIA.

Probably something on InfiniteView’s end. Everything with Infinite Flight seems to be fine.

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Okay, Thank you for your help!

I checked his flight he said let us check in 10 minutes if it works again, I’ll have to ask WML about the Problem or if not then I think it’s processing

Looks like an issue with the flight plan as both Infinite View and Infinite X (from the screenshot above) were unable to find the departure and arrival airport.

Oh okay. Thank you for your help!

Did you use SIDs and STARs?

I used SimBrief

Interesting. Please could you DM me the flight plan if you still have it, will try to replicate now.

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Yeah sure, I’ll send it over now

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