Any tablet recommendations?

Hello guys good morning/afternoon or evening anywhere you are reading this message from, I will buy a tablet so I can play infinite flight cuz actually is really uncomfortable doing long haul flights on my phone and at the same time if I need to call someone or chat to someone I have to stop playing, and my phone is my only entertainment at this moment, so…is there any chance for me to play on a different device (tablet) without canceling or get a new subscription? I mean how can I use my account on a different device basically. Anddd ur suggestions are welcomed, if u know what kinda tablet I can buy to play infinite flight, let me know. Thanks so much for reading have a wonderful day!🧡


Hey there!

As long as you sign in with the same Infinite Flight account, you can access your subscription on any device that is compatible.

Do you prefer iOS or Android? And what sort of budget are you looking at?

O that sounds perfect, I can pay anything, I’m more interested in having a good screen, good quality so I can put the graphics high and not having problem playing or slow gameplay

I can do both, IOS or Android

I’m biased but I recommend iPad Air/Pro. But I also have an iPhone so it syncs nicely. Works well for me


Ok then.

For iOS: if you are wanting to not spend too much money, I would recommend the 10th Gen iPad. It’s a couple years old now hardware-wise but its still a decent device.

If you don’t mind spending a bit more money, I would go for the iPad Air (either the M1 or the M2 variant), both variants run Infinite Flight very well.

For Android: A good “cheap” Android tablet would be the Galaxy Tab A9. If you are OK with spending a bit more money, go with the Galaxy Tab S9 FE.

imo you don’t need to be spending iPad Pro/Samsung S10 tablet levels of money for an Infinite Flight device - there are plentiful good options that are much cheaper.


The pro 13” sure is nice tho 😁


Ipad pro M series will rock like a walk in the park. I have m1 ipad pro


Same here, I do back to back 20h flights with it frequently. The Motorola chip + Apple optimization is perfection. Full graphics the whole time too. When cruising I’ll turn off bluetooth, enable battery conserve, turn the brightness all the way down and try to charge with a low wattage connector.

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I feel like anything more than the 11 is going to be too hard to handle. I wouldn’t recommend it. That’s best for art/streaming.

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For the transition from 32 bit to 64 in Android I took a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite and it runs IF pretty good with all graphic settings on high. It also has a good battery performance when flying and doesn’t get hot at all. I’m having it for a few years now and paid around €400 back in the days. Well spent money 😁

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I recommend you to buy iPad Air M2, it is a great device for infinite flight, my captain.

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iPad Air M1

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Budget or not?

what device do you use?

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iPad Pro M1 256. Almost never charged with anything more than 15w.

I use an iPad Air 4 (2020) and it still works great

Any budget I have no problem

I use the iPhone 14 Pro Max

iPad Air 6 M2 is also a good option for your experience. Stronger than 5, you can fly IF in 60fps without worries.