American Airlines 787-9 Auckland to Dallas

More seasonal American Dreamliner flying, this time on the other route between New Zealand and Texas, with AKL-IAH being served by Air New Zealand with the 777-300ER.

Server: Solo
Airline: American Airlines
Aircraft: Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner
Origin: Auckland Airport, Auckland, New Zealand (AKL)
Destination: Dallas Forth Worth International Airport, Grapevine, Texas (DFW)
Flight Number: AA34
Seat: 15A (Premium Economy)
Time En Route: 13 Hours 36 Minutes

Boarding at Gate 4 in Auckland. Got bumped up to Premium Economy for this flight across the Pacific and am eager to try it out!

Ready to taxi. Initial impressions of the seat itself are promising, albeit because this is one of American’s newer, lower-density, high-premium 787-9s configured with routes such as DFW-AKL and DFW-BNE in mind.

Taking off from Auckland

In cruise over the South Pacifc

Sunrise over Mexico after a relatively uneventful trip over the ocean

Making our final descent into the Dallas-Forth Worth area

Morning arrival at DFW

Deplaned at Gate D23, while our aircraft gets turned around for a flight to Seoul as AA281. Overall, the premium economy product was pretty good for a U.S. airline and if given the choice, I’d probably take it over economy on most other carriers.


Why do you do all your flights in solo?


I was going to ask this as well - you don’t go any stats in solo and you don’t get IRL winds as well.

Nice photos btw!




Maybe it was to use the 5x speed? That’s the only point to flying on solo mode other than that, you pretty much waste your time.


i was just about to ask that? @NonStopsAviation might be right actually

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That’s was my first thought too




I’ve got a very, very long list of reasons why I fly solo. To spare us being here all day, I’ll just give the first three:

  1. I have a life outside of this. Between college, trying to find a job for next year, and studying for the LSAT, I neither have the time nor energy to devote to dealing with people on any of the servers.

  2. I try to replicate my flights as faithfully to the real deal as possible. That means same flight plan, same gates, same time en route almost to the minute. Flying solo, I can more easily control variables such as wind and temperature, which can either increase or decrease flight time in a given direction.

  3. Expert server isn’t.


That some pretty good reasons especially the 2nd one, I like to try and recreate things as perfect as possible but also want to get rewarded for what I flew




Now that, I can get behind.


unlike 75% percent of IF users lmao


If I had my way, I’d be getting paid to fly the real deal. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to.

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But u pay for pro?

Because I want to fly oither routes than SFO-SAN

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I understand that, Wouldn’t u want to get the most of your moneys worth by using the Multiplayer instead of only using the Liveries/Aircrafts. But its your Money, you are allowed to do what u want with it and i respect that.

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Amazing! 📸

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