Amazing ATC services just now

Hopefully further out too 😜. Good job guys 👏

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Cheers, makes it so much more worth it when you get thanks even when it was crazy at times.


Thanks for hard work IFATC 👍


Thanks IFATC! Great separation and multitasking!


Great to hear!well done!

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Not every airport is at the same elevation. It also depends on where you intercept. For example at KSEA and KCLT, there are fixes on the localizer, but out a bit from the cone. Those have different clearance altitudes. The localizer is horizontal deviation from centerline, you don’t have to intercept it right on the cone.

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Thread got a bit derailed. Yes. I’m pretty new here, and I made a post about a really good ATC. I got the impression that a positive shout out was kind of discouraged here (as are negative ones), as the folks that mod this forum don’t want it to get clogged up with KUDOS or thumbs down. Which I DO get. I don’t mind seeing the people that volunteer their services getting a nod. Not trying to start any problems or issues, but just wondering, is it okay to point out a nice job publicly, or better with a DM?

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I don’t think anyone minds positive feedback.

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Okay, thank you Tim. Maybe I misunderstood some of the feedback I got.

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As you can see from the above derailment of the conversation sometimes we get negative feedback that’s totally inaccurate and other times we get negative feedback that’s accurate and in any event people with negative feedback should contact the controller directly because it’s a chance for the pilot and the controller to be coached and educated​ on what if anything went wrong. As my good friend @Tim_B said above I don’t think anybody minds positive feedback.

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Just to expand on this a little as I control at KSEA, which has several nice fixes at different points on the localizer, which can help if you’re clearing a plane for, say, 16R and 16C simultaneously, and you need some separation. You don’t want the planes hitting the cones, which overlap at the same point, so you may bring one further out.

At the risk of a slight repetition, I think there’s some confusion among some that “established on the localizer” means “hitting the red cone”, when that’s not what it means.

The localizer, as stated before, is what indicates lateral (not vertical) deviation from the centerline of the runway. It extends past the red cone. “Established on the localizer” means you are on the centerline of the runway, which does not end at the red cone in IF. I see a lot of pilots keep the intercept heading until they realize they’re not going to hit the cone, when what they should be doing is watching the lateral CDI on the HUD and turning final heading when aligned with that, even if outside the cone.


Almost, but you don’t need to be exactly on the Centerline, you are established on the localiser once the horizontal needle moves, which you are correct in stating, can extend out past the cone.

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