Just curious on who still find the Q400 challenge to fly and why. I’ve learned how to use it. Anyone else?
Still trying to master crosswind landings 😁
Dang its been a month?! Time passes too quickly…
There’s improvement-getting a hang of takeoffs in solo mode, landings are much better
First few times were so hard but now I’m very good at flying it !
Just managed to land at London today in the high winds …
24 days but who’s counting
The winds were killer today
I’m more of a fan of the 737. Haven’t used the Dash 8, even though I have it.
Yep sure have great addition
I feel the same way, only I’m a 777 fan. The Q400 I’ll use for patterns
Do you mean it dips left or right? Because I’ve heard people talk about that
Because it has to take off at 120kts. Depends on the weight.
I don’t think you can get it to takeoff at 90 knots
Its like saying why won’t my B77W takeoff at 120 knots. It just doesn’t.
t7 is my preferred bird too, but am enjoying the D8Q400 as I can explore lots of smaller airfields that I wouldn’t normally visit. Found some great routes in the Singapore Region.
Not doing too bad, had a nasty gust buffet me on my flare that caused a go-around yesterday.
Had some issues at the beginning, landing it quite well by now, but everything bigger than 20kts cross is still difficult.
It’s more so the gusts and turbulence than the crosswind. Go on solo and set max crosswind without gusts. Master the crab landing. Then add gusts and turbulence. The dash is slow to react when moving slow on final and trying to counter those gusts.
Am stil learning with it…have picked up more speed violations whilst using the dash 8 then rest of my time combined on IF! Picked up 3 today :-( though to be fair my fault as was also watching House of cards on Netflix so totally pilot error!
I think the ground effect is way too effective for a high-wing aircraft like the DH4D…
At first I couldn’t control the flaps and airspeed but know I mostly fly on flights from KNUC or EGLC