Alaska Geography

Will Alaska every fixed I guess only way I can say it. I would to fly around Alaska more on there and see all the mountains there but it’s all completely flat would like to explore the mountains there on if but can’t.

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Whenever data that we can use becomes available, we will use it and improve on this :)

We’re doing the “rounds” from time to time to check if there is.


That’s good to know hopefully somebody will get good imagery that’s useable of Iceland the Anchorage area and Other places above the 60th parallel

Yeah, I would love to have more than 2/3 of my own country not being flat… so I most certainly agree :)


Just a question, why do this happen?

I would recommend checking out the blog post below as it does a good job in explaining the reasoning:


It’s more energy expensive to launch space vehicles into high inclination orbits (the orbital velocity pre-boost from the earth’s rotation declines to zero as you increasingly approach a polar orbit).

So, the higher latitudes were out of range during 3D terrain mapping for the vehicle platform used (as mentioned, the space shuttle had its own particular orbital inclination limits).


Found this while looking up the IF article, could this work?

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