Inaugural is currently switched to Fairbanks tomorrow
Exciting night for the Anchorage International Airport but most importantly Alaska Airlines. AS607 departed tonight for it’s inaugural flight to JFK! Here’s N801AK sitting at C5 prior to departure.
Hey, I went inside their news nonstop, yesterday!
Hope you liked the swag bags we gave out and hope you enjoyed the trip!
Thank you. Yes, sir.
I read on the internet for google information. I went to ride the plane on there.
@AlaskaAirlinesVA summon!
Proud to be with you Alaska Virtual!
I read on the internet news posted page from Facebook.
And one more time read on the internet posted a page on Facebook.
Hey, I read on the internet news about Alaska and Hawaiian before the merger yet, a page from Facebook.
Well that’s good for the merger.
“The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has allowed the review period for Alaska Air’s proposed acquisition of Hawaiian Airlines to lapse, effectively enabling the $1.9 billion merger to proceed without legal challenge from the DOJ.” - Aero Crew News 20/AUG
Exciting times over at Alaska Airlines!
I read news on the internet a page on Facebook.
Earlier today, an Alaska 737-790 diverted due to a engine failure while it was bound for Oakland. According to Simple Flying, it landed safety 26 minutes after takeoff and a replacement aircraft carried the passengers to their destinations.
This has been a concept design since the 1990’s. It seems unlikely this is happening any time soon.