Airport terminals and baggage and cargo loading onto the airplane

Airport terminals and people loading baggage onto the plane + cargo


I know I sound like I’m busting your ideas which I’m not but it would be an awful lot to ask for on these small processors! If there’s a lot of people at one airport it lags a lot and that’s without any animations but great idea all the same!

U can at least try on solo just saying 💯

Yep no worries!!! Hey I’m not dissing it’s a great idea!

R u like a proccesser?

@JGK00 r u a processer

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Nah fam I just a member!

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dont look for that anytime soon…but if you want,you can hold your breath…lol

Hahaha lol!😂

too much to handle by our mobile devices as of this moment. me myself wont expect this coming without EXTREME lag coming with it…

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Hmm, Inreally thought you were an i5…

That’d be great

I’d rather be i9 for this kind of stuff!

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