Airport rendering issues at certain airports

Hello everyone! Hope y’all doing well 🙂.

Since the last 2/3 updates I am having rendering issues at certain airports. I’m using the new iPad pro 5th generation and my current software version is 15.3.1 . Here is a list of airports I’ve approached which had rendering issues until now:

Zurich LSZH, Munich EDDM, Wellington NZWN, Eindhoven EHEH, Los Angeles KLAX, New York KJFK, Miami KMIA and Cancun MMUN.

I have tried many things like clearing the scenery cache, various IF settings (graphics, fps, aircraft count etc) and I even deleted the cache data of my iPad (Safari), but I’m still have these issues.

I’d like to say that it’s comforting to know that I am not the only one who has these issues and I am pretty sure that these issues have nothing to do with my device, since my device is the newest iPad model that currently exists.

I know that many people already posted a thread about airport rendering issues and I most definitely know that the devs are working very hard and doing their best to fix these issues, but I thought I’d mention this once more with the hope that I will get some help on how to fix this problem, probably some ways/settings that I don’t know about yet.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance and best regards,



I have had the same issues with this update as well as the last. I have tried everything as well but nothing works. Hopefully they can find a fix soon.


I am also experiencing this issue.

Over the past day and a half, I did 3 flights and each time I came in for a landing, the airports did not load. As stated above, I did everything suggested like clearing scenery cache, playing around with different graphic settings, deleting all my replays. And to no avail, I still encounter this issue.

I hope a fix is in the works, and if a dev wants a separate topic that goes more in depth, please let me know.


Sure will! I’ll let you know if I hear anything 😉

Yes the devs are amazing and I’m sure they’ll fix the issue soon. But like I said, I created this topic to see if someone knows any tricks/settings that I might not know about yet. The good thing is that this is not happening at all airports. And also, even though the runway and buildings were not visible, I still could land and have my landing counted and thanks to ILS I managed to maintain the runway centerline by keeping my eyes on the localizer indication 🙂

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I have the same issue, thought it would be fixed in the latest update.
They seem quiet about this issue, like not many devs/staff are inputting to these topics .
But so many people have reported it.


Hey @danielsun36 ! Don’t worry mate, I recently reinstalled the IF app and now everything is fine. Just reinstall the app and you’ll be fine too. My flight instructor at AFKLM gave me this tip and now IF is running totally fine. Thanks @Manav_Suri 🙂

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It would be good if we can get an update on this soon

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Yes, definitely 🙂

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I’ve done that, I’ll report if the issue stays


It’s still happening

Ohh dear! What device are you using @danielsun36 ? And make sure you have your graphics settings set to high!

I experienced it on approach to vancouver as well.

I also experienced some lag when taxiing and on final approach when the frame rate drops from 60 to 30 although graphics settings set to medium…

Second flight and the destination airport TNCC didnt load. What a waste of time after a 9 hour flight.

I know the feeling… at least 50% of my flights to hub airports this is happening now

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