Good day pilots and fellow ATC. I want to open @ London City. I’m a bit confused about the aircraft size restrictions. I was under the impression that the largest aircraft size was the A318, so I’m confused as to why the B737M can spawn there. Can someone please help me clear up this discrepancy 🤔
The simulator can permit certain aircraft to spawn that fit the gates but not the actual airport. When controlling EGLC, it’s the expectation to inform any aircraft larger than the A318 that they’re too large for the airport - 737 family is not permitted.
@TRDubh that’s what I thought. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I’m still only controlling on me training server (because I don’t fly enough. I have 16200 ATC ops), so I doubt the pilots will listen (ignore is my friend on TS 🤣) but I just want to make sure I was correct. I appreciate the
expeditious response. Safe flying and have a great rest of your day.
With that many ops have you thought of joining IFATC?
@Bank most definitely I want to join IFATC. I got all the requirements except for grade 3, and that’s because I don’t fly very often. 99% of the time when I’m online on the simulator I’m controlling. As far as flying I only fly once or twice a month and it’s usually a short hop (KJFK-KPHL). I started playing May of 2024 and I only have 48 landings 😂
Ahh i see. Maybe do some pattern work I guess to up the landings or just touch and goes on an Xcub at KDFW or KMEM? On casual of course 😅.
Good luck!
In fact, they are recently considering to allow 737 and 320 to operate from LCY.
I can confirm this, and as of now, your total is 16,253 ATC operations absolutely incredible work on the Training Server! Your dedication and effort truly stand out. We’re all excited to see you take the next step and join the team keep it up, and we can’t wait to welcome you aboard!
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