Cabin ain’t just seats bro. Also the cockpit quality is literally fine, maybe reversed Co-pilot PFD but that’s something that I hope shouldn’t take that much time.
Also the entire gear is different. Not just wheels.
Engines sounds would probably be GE sounds.
A359 textures are a bit weird yeah, but still nothing major.
It didn’t support that at the time with the massive amount of polygons the first 777 had, but it seems like resources would rather be spent on newer aircraft instead of coming back to “older” ones and improving them.
Nah I prefer the orignal rolls Royce engines not the GE one 😅. The cockpit ain’t fine. For me a350-1000 is the best cockpit ever. Also the most comfortable dude. There are minor things that could be better
Interior wise the cockpit for both aircraft is the same bro, IF wise it’s just the exterior that’s off (it does affect interior but for some reason it’s barely noticeable)
Because the 757 sound is quite unique while if you listen to the take off noises, most if not all widebody planes have a sound similar to the 777s except a bit quieter or louder
There is no roar in the engines in the 777 engine sounds whereas the 757 does. Also a350-900 has considered to be one of the most loudest roads during takeoff. Depends on which seat but yeah