I was wandering about this aircraft why this one still unavailable in infinite flight.
Few days ago I went to my nearest airport for plane spotting and I saw a Qatari ,
I thought that was A350-900 but look bigger than it should so I opened flight radar 24 , turns out that was A350K
And no one is talking about that, so I thought let’s discuss about this and see any one have any clue on the A350K , when this aircraft will show up.
Another TL;DR which we have pointed out in other discussions related to this:
It’s a variant of a model we already have (A359), which have very few liveries (7 airlines have had A35K’s delivered so far).
We prefer putting our resources into either entirely new models or reworking the ones we already have.
Therefore we closed the feature request so people can vote on something we actually can imagine ourselves implementing/adding at some point instead of wasting their vote on something we won’t (at least not for now).
You’re the boss, I genuinely appreciate your work, you’re always there when I need help, so can’t start debate on this, though it’s just a longer version of A359 but it is a different one.
Yeah true in fairness as well the A35K is just a longer version of the A359 with an extra pair of wheels and not a lot of airlines have it so it would be better to spend time reworking other planes